Product Warranties

Occasionally, a product does not meet the manufacturer's standards, but still ends up in our shop for sale. Unfortunately, there are instances when we won't know that this is the case until we hear from you that you're unhappy with the product. While this is a rare occurrence, for certain vendors, we do have policies in place to help. Regardless of the item, be sure to always hang on to the original packaging and contact us immediately to let us know what the potential manufacturer's defect is. On certain items, we may be able to assist further.

You may call in to request samples of any of our battings. Please contact us immediately to report any product quality concerns. Be sure to hang on to the original product packaging. You'll want to preserve any label that has bar codes, dates, numbers, etc. Some may be hard to find.

As the screen is different on every device, we cannot guarantee the colors you see match the colors of the actual thread. It is recommended you purchase a color card to keep at home for more accurate color matching if you can't make it in to our studio. Please contact us immediately to report any product quality concerns. Be sure to hang on to the original product packaging. You'll want to preserve any label that has bar codes, dates, numbers, etc. Some may be hard to find.

As the screen is different on every device, we cannot guarantee the colors you see match the colors of the actual fabric. You may call to order by the inch to sample in person if you can't make it into our studio. If prewashing, remember to account for shrinkage. We recommend you purchase at least 8% more than what you need. Some fabrics & dyes may bleed or fade once washed. There are many products available to prevent or remedy this. Our selection is under the Notions section of our online store. We are not responsible for damage or shortage caused by washing fabrics.

All new Gammill machines come with a lifetime mechanical warranty against defective materials and/or workmanship, one-year tablet warranty, three-year electrical parts warranty, and two-year in-shop labor warranty. The Gammill warranty also covers commercial use of the machines.

Heartbeat Quilting makes no promises or guarantees as to the validity of the information presented by the private party owner. We act merely as a liaison between buyer and seller. Both buyers and sellers absolve Heartbeat Quilting of any legal responsibility by using this service.

It is our passion and privilege to help our customers finish their quilts. We have quilted thousands of quilts and very rarely have we had anyone who is disappointed with our service. That being said, we must acknowledge that we are human and we cannot promise perfection. We perform regular maintenance on our machines and always strive to do our very best, but we cannot be held responsible for machine malfunctions or issues with quilts that are unseen during intake. By sending your quilt to us, you acknowledge that there is some risk involved but you’re willing to trust our best judgment. We don’t guarantee perfection, but we do guarantee we will treat your quilt as if it’s our own, to provide you with the best results from what is provided to us, and appreciate your understanding that machine quilting does not correct piecing problems and that we may not always be able to adhere to our estimates due to unforeseen circumstances or improperly prepared quilt materials.